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    Simile in Advertisement

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


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    American Heritage College Dictionary, 3r d ed. 1997. Houghton Mifflin.




    Chapter 1. Some Features of Advertising

    1.1. Methods of Persuasion in Advertising

    Chapter 2. Linguistic Techniques Used in Advertisement

    2.1.Syntactic Features of Advertisement 

    2.2  Lexical Features of Advertisement 

    2.3. Stylistic Devices Used in Advertisement


    The USE of  Simile in Advertisements

    3.1. On the Theory of Simile

    3.2. Some peculiarities of the Use of Simile in Advertisement



    title_arm Simile in Advertisement title_eng convertot_1 Simile in Advertisement convertot_2 Simile in Advertisement convertot_3 Simile in Advertisement convertot_4 Simile in Advertisement convertot_5 Simile in Advertisement convertot_6 Simile in Advertisement convertot_7 Simile in Advertisement convertot_8 Simile in Advertisement convertot_9 Simile in Advertisement convertot_10 Simile in Advertisement convertot_11 Simile in Advertisement convertot_13 Simile in Advertisement convertot_14 Simile in Advertisement convertot_15 Simile in Advertisement convertot_16 Simile in Advertisement convertot_17 Simile in Advertisement convertot_18 Simile in Advertisement

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    Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms)

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    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1

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    Chapter 1. Politeness

    1.1. Speech Acts

    1.2. Speech Act Theory

    1.3. J. Austin’s and J. Searle’s Interpretation of Speech Act

    1.4. Polite  Speech Acts

    Chapter 2.  Social Factors Influencing Code Choice

    2.1.Sociolinguistics as a Branch of Linguistics

    2.2. Bilingualism, Multilingualism

    2.3 Code Choice/ Code Switching


    List of Literature

    title_arm Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) title_eng convertot_1 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_2 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_3 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_4 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_5 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_6 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_7 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_8 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_9 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_10 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_11 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_13 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_14 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_15 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_16 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_17 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms) convertot_18 Sociopragmatic study of politeness in speech acts (with special reference to address forms)

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    description_2 title_arm Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school title_eng convertot_1 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_2 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_3 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_4 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_5 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_6 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_7 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_8 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_9 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_10 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_11 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_13 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_14 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_15 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_16 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_17 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school convertot_18 Aims, content and principles of foreign language teaching in a secondary school

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    20. Stauffer, R. G. 1980. The language-experience approach to the teaching of reading, Revised ed. New York, NY: Harper and Row.

    21. Temple, C. & Gillet, J. W. 1989. Language arts: Learning processes and teaching practices. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company.

    22. Temple, C. & Gillet, J. W. 1983. Language arts: Learning processes and teaching practices. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co.

    23. Wolvin, A. D. & Coakley, C. G. 1992. Listening. Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown.



    description_2 title_arm Listening activities title_eng convertot_1 Listening activities convertot_2 Listening activities convertot_3 Listening activities convertot_4 Listening activities convertot_5 Listening activities convertot_6 Listening activities convertot_7 Listening activities convertot_8 Listening activities convertot_9 Listening activities convertot_10 Listening activities convertot_11 Listening activities convertot_13 Listening activities convertot_14 Listening activities convertot_15 Listening activities convertot_16 Listening activities convertot_17 Listening activities convertot_18 Listening activities

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Animal idioms

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    R.S. Ginzburg S.S. Khidekel, С.У. Князева, A.A. Sankin. “A course in Modern English lexicology” Higher school publishing House Moscow 1966 (pages 99-119)

    H.A. Asmangulian and M.I. Hovhannisyan “English-Armenian Dictionary”. “Hayastan” publsihing House, Yerevan 1991

    A.S Hornby “Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English” Oxford University press 2007 

    Henk Barkema (1996) Idiomaticity and terminology: a multi-dimensional descrptive model. Studia Linguistica. 50 (2). 125-60                                 

    Ron Carter (1997) Investigating English Discourse. London: Routledge. Frantisek Cermak (1988) On the substance of idioms. Folia Linguistica 22 (3-4). 413­-438.

    Frantisek Cermak (2001) Substance of idioms: perennial problems, lack of data or theory? International Journal of Lexicography 14 (1). 1-20.

    Baranov A. N., Dobrovol'skiy D. O. idiomi // Voprosi azikoznania, No 5, p. 51 – 64

    Burstin,    D.    Amerikanci:    Nacional'niy    opit.    M: Progress, Litera, 1993

    Vereschagin  E.   M.,   Kostomarov  V.G.   Nacional'no-kul'turnaa   semantika   russkih   frazeologizmov//   Slovari   lingvostranovedenie. M: Russkiy azik - 1982, p. 89 – 98

    Billington,    R.    A.    America's    Frontier    Heritage. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1991

    Flexner, S.B. Listening to America. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982

    Goodale,   M.   Collins   COBUILD   Idioms   Workbook. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1995

    Ickstadt, H. Teaching American Studies Abroard: the European Experience. In U.S. Society & Values. Electronic Journals of the U.S. Information Agency, 1996, vol. 1, No 15, pp 11- 15

    Mechling,   J.,   Meredith,   R.,   Wilson,   D.   American Culture   Studies:   The   Discipline   and  the   Curriculum.   In American Quarterly, vol. XXV, No 4, October, 1973, pp. 363 – 389 (A)People  and  A  Nation:  A  History  of the  United States. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990

    Schlissel, L. The Frontier Family: Dislocation and the American Experience. In Making America. The Society and Culture of the UNITED STATES. Washington, D.C. United States Information Agency, 1988, pp 81 – 90

    Workman, G. Phrasal verbs and idioms, 1996

    Hutchinson, T. Hotline, Oxford University Press, 1995

    1. http://www.monax.ru

    Шитова Л.Ф., Брускина Т.Л. English Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов. – 2-е издание, исправленное. – СПб.: антология, 2004. – 256


    Rachel Giora and Ofer Fein (1999) On understanding familiar and less-familiar language. Journal of Pragmatics




    description_2 title_arm Animal idioms title_eng convertot_1 Animal idioms convertot_2 Animal idioms convertot_3 Animal idioms convertot_4 Animal idioms convertot_5 Animal idioms convertot_6 Animal idioms convertot_7 Animal idioms convertot_8 Animal idioms convertot_9 Animal idioms convertot_10 Animal idioms convertot_11 Animal idioms convertot_13 Animal idioms convertot_14 Animal idioms convertot_15 Animal idioms convertot_16 Animal idioms convertot_17 Animal idioms convertot_18 Animal idioms

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն


    Իմանալ ավելին
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    description_2 title_arm Background title_eng convertot_1 Background convertot_2 Background convertot_3 Background convertot_4 Background convertot_5 Background convertot_6 Background convertot_7 Background convertot_8 Background convertot_9 Background convertot_10 Background convertot_11 Background convertot_13 Background convertot_14 Background convertot_15 Background convertot_16 Background convertot_17 Background convertot_18 Background

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1

    Bibliographyresponsibilities in the outside world: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep/But I have promises to keep/And miles to go before I sleep," (Frost 1139). The woods are described as completely silent, dark, still, calm, lovely, and deep, all descriptions that could be associated with deep sleep or death to a weary traveler, such as the narrator. The poem itself can be read as the narrator's temptation to stop his life's journey and finally rest, but resisting the urge and continuing on his way.

    Nature, as we have seen, works very well symbolically in these poems. Shakespeare, Wordsworth, and Frost all found some sort of inspiration from simple scenes of nature and used them to convey their emotions and feeling in their poetry.


    1. Гордиенко А. Н. Энциклопедия символов. — М.: ЭКСМО, 2007. 
    2. Лосев А. Ф. Проблема символа и реалистическое искусство. — 2-е изд., испр. — М.: Искусство, 1995. — 320 с.
    3. Abramov, I. (1997). Physiological mechanisms of color vision. In C. L. Hardin & L. Maffi (Eds.), Color categoriesin thought and language (pp. 89–117). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    4. Barr, D. J. (2004). Establishing conventional communication systems: Is common knowledge necessary? CognitiveScience, 28, 937–962.
    5. Belpaeme, T., & Bleys, J. (2005). Explaining universal color categories through a constrained acquisition process.Adaptive Behavior, 13, 293–310.
    6. Berlin, B., & Kay, P. (1969). Basic color terms. Berkeley: University of California Press.
    7. Boynton, R. M., & Olson, C. X. (1987). Locating basic colors in the OSA space. Color Research and Application,12, 94–105.
    8. De Valois, K. K.,&De Valois, R. L. (2001). Color vision. In N. J. Smelser&P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopediaof the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 2252–2256). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
    9. De Valois, R. L., Abramov, I., & Jacobs, G. H. (1966). Analysis of response patterns of LGN cells. Journal of theOptical Society of America, 56, 966–977.
    10. Foley, W. A. (1997). Anthropological linguistics: An introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    11. Hardin, C. L. (1999). Color relations and the power of complexity: Commentary on Palmer (1999). Behavioral andBrain Sciences, 22, 953–954.
    12. Heider, E. R. (1972). Universals of color naming and memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 93, 10–20.
    13. Hurford, J. R. (1987). Language and number: The emergence of a cognitive system. New York: Basil Blackwell.
    14. Indow, T. (1988). Multidimensional studies of Munsell color solid. Psychological Review, 95, 456–470.
    15. Jameson, K., & D’Andrade, R. G. (1997). It’s not really red, yellow, green, blue: An inquiry into perceptual colorspace. In C. L. Hardin & L. Maffi (Eds.), Color categories in thought and language (pp. 295–319). Cambridge,UK: Cambridge University Press.
    16. Kay, P. (1975). Synchronic variability and diachronic change in basic color terms. Journal of Language in Society,4, 257–270.
    17. Kay, P. (1999). Asymmetries in the distribution of composite and derived basic color categories. Commentary onPalmer (1999). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 957–958.
    18. Kay, P., Berlin, B., Maffi, L., & Merrifield,W. (1997). Color naming across languages. In C. L. Hardin & L. Maffi(Eds.), Color categories in thought and language (pp. 21–56). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    19. Kay, P., Berlin B., & Merrifield,W. R. (1991). Biocultural implications of systems of color naming. Journal of LinguisticAnthropology, 1, 12–25.
    20. Kay, P., & Maffi, L. (1999). Color appearance and the emergence and evolution of basic color lexicons. AmericanAnthropologist, 101, 743–760.
    21. Kay, P., & McDaniel, K. (1978). The linguistic significance of the meanings of basic color terms. Language, 54,610–646.
    22. Kay, P., & Regier, T. (2003). Resolving the question of color naming universals. Proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences of the United States of America, 100, 9085–9089.
    23. Kuehni, R. G. (1997). Color: An introduction to practice and principles. New York: Wiley.
    24. Levinson, S. C. (2000). Yélî Dnye and the theory of basic color terms. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 10, 3–55.
    25. MacAdam, D. L. (1974). Uniform color scales. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 64, 1691–1702.
    26. MacLaury, R. E. (1997a). Color and cognition in mesoamerica: Construing categories as vantages. Austin: Universityof Texas Press.
    27. Palmer, S. E. (1999). Color, consciousness, and the isomorphism constraint. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22,923–943.
    28. Ratliff, F. (1976). On the psychophysiological bases of universal color terms. Proceedings of the American PhilosophicalSociety, 120, 311–330.
    29. Roberson, D., Davies, I., & Davidoff, J. (2000). Color categories are not universal: Replications and new evidencefrom a Stone-Age culture. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 129, 369–398.
    30. Saunders, B. A. C. (1992). The invention of basic color terms. Utrecht, Netherlands: ISOR.
    31. Steels, L., & Belpaeme, T. (2005). Coordinating perceptually grounded categories through language: A case studyfor color. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 469–529.
    32. Taylor, J. R. (1989). Linguistic categorization: Prototypes in linguistic theory. Oxford, UK: Oxford UniversityPress.
    33. Tenenbaum, J. B., & Xu, F. (2000). Word learning as Bayesian inference. In L. R. Gleitman & A. K. Joshi (Eds.)
    34. Webster, M. A., Miyahara, E., Malkoc, G.,&Raker,V. E. (2000).Variations in normal color vision: II.Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 17, 1545–1555.
    35. Yendrikhovskij, S. N. (2001). Computing color categories from statistics of natural images. Journal of Imaging Scienceand Technology, 45, 409–417.
    36. Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8, 338–353.

    responsibilities in the outside world: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep/But I have promises to keep/And miles to go before I sleep," (Frost 1139). The woods are described as completely silent, dark, still, calm, lovely, and deep, all descriptions that could be associated with deep sleep or death to a weary traveler, such as the narrator. The poem itself can be read as the narrator's temptation to stop his life's journey and finally rest, but resisting the urge and continuing on his way.

    Nature, as we have seen, works very well symbolically in these poems. Shakespeare, Wordsworth, and Frost all found some sort of inspiration from simple scenes of nature and used them to convey their emotions and feeling in their poetry




    Chapter 1.

    1.1.The Notion of Color

    1.2. Color Terms Typology

    Chapter 2.

    2.1.The Use of Colors in Different Languages

    2.2. Cultural Differences



    title_arm Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages title_eng convertot_1 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_2 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_3 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_4 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_5 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_6 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_7 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_8 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_9 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_10 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_11 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_13 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_14 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_15 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_16 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_17 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages convertot_18 Color Terms Equivalence in Different Languages

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1

    List of Literature


    1.  Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. – Москва: «Высшаяшкола», 2000

    2.  Ilyish   B .A.  The   Structure   of   Modern   English . – Moscow, 1971, − Introduction

    3.  Iofik L.L., Chakhoyan L.P. “Readings in the Theory of English Grammar”, Л.: 1981

    4.  Л.С.Бархударов ,Русско-английскиеязыковыепараллели («Русскийязыкзарубежом», 1973, № 4).

    5.  Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английскогоязыка. – М., 1981.

    6.  А. И. С м и р ницк и и, Морфология английского языка, М., 1959

    7.  Մ. Աբեղյան, Հայոցլեզվիտեսություն, Երևան, 1 9 6 5 

    8.  Հ..Ասմանգուլյան, ժամանակայինվերաբերությանկարգըանգլերենումևհայերենում (ՀՍՍՀԳԱ 'Լրաբեր * հաս. գիտ ., 1 9 8 0) 

    9.  Սևակ, ժամանակակիցհայոցլեզվիդասընթաց, Երևան, 1 9 5 5

    10.     FICTION

    11.     Conan Doyle  A. The Return of Sherlock Holmes, A Collection of Holmes Adventures,  Wordsworth, London, 2000

    12.     Օrwell, Geօrge, 1979, Animal Farm. A Fairy Story, Penguin Books

    13.     Swift J. The Annotated Gulliver's Travels, New York, Clarkson N. Potter,   1980

    14. Ավ. Իսահակյան, Արձակէջեր, “ Հայպետհրատ” , Երևան, 1963

    15.     Ռաֆֆի “Կայծեր”,Երկերի ժողովածու տասը հատորով, հատոր հինգերորդ,  “Հայպետհրատ”, Երևան, 1963

    16. Հ. Քոչար,  Երկերի ժողովածու վեց հատորով, հատոր երկրորդ, “Հայաստան”, Երևան ,1965  





    Introduction. 3

    Chapter 1. 4

    The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian. 4

    1.1 The Category of Tense. 4

    1.2 Simple  Present in English and Armenian. 6

    Chapter 2. 12

    Continuous Tenses in English and Armenian. 12

    2.1 Verbs that are not used in Continuous  Tenses. 14

    2.2 The Past Continuous (Imperfect Past, անկատարանցյալ) in Armenian. 15

    Conclusion. 17

    List of Literature. 18


    title_arm The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian title_eng convertot_1 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_2 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_3 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_4 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_5 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_6 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_7 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_8 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_9 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_10 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_11 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_13 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_14 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_15 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_16 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_17 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian convertot_18 The Use of Simple Present in English and Armenian

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Definitions of Leadership

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    1. Alan M. Teaching English with Video. Essex: Longman, 1985.
    2. Donaghy K., Whitcher A. How to write film and video activities. Training course for ELT writers. 2015. ELT Teacher 2 Writer at Smashwords. 42 p.
    3. Dörnyei, Z. 2001. Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.
    4. Jacobi, M. 2010. Grammar Practice.  Brattleboro, Vermont:  Pro Lingua Associates.
    5. Kennedy C. Video in English for Specific Purposes. New York: Pergamon Press, 1996.
    6. Krashen, S.D. 1988. The natural approach: language acquisition in theclassroom. New York: Prentice Hall.
    7. Krashen, S.D. 1985. The input hypothesis: issues and implications.London: Longman.
    8. Larsen-Freeman, D. 1979. Issues in the teaching of grammar in Celce-Murcia, M. and McIntosh, L. (eds.) Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Rowley: Newbury house publishers.
    9. Littlewood, W. 1984. Foreign and Second Language Learning.
    10. Language acquisition research and its implications for the classroom.Cambridge University Press.
    11. Lewis, M. & Hill, J. 1985. Practical Techniques.  Independence, Kentucky:  Cengage Learning.
    12. Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.
    13. Rivers W. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. University of Chicago Press, 1981.
    14. Stoller, F. 1988. Films and Videotapes in the ESL/EFL Classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Teachers of English to speakers of other languages. http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED299835.pdf
    15. Tomalin B. Video, TV and Radio in the English Class, London: Macmillan, 1986.
    16. Van Abbé, D. 1965. Audio-lingual methods in modern language teaching in Dutton, B. (ed.) Guide to modern language teaching methods. London: Camelot Press.
    17. Scrivener J. Teaching English grammar: What to Teach and How to Teach it. Macmillan Education (5 July 2010).
    18. Using Video In The Classroom. An Activity Guide. English central. Retrieved from: http://ddeubel.edublogs.org/files/2011/06/Using_Video_In_The_Classroom-20mn397.pdf.
    19. Ur, P. (1988).  Grammar practice activities. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press




    description_2 title_arm Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom title_eng convertot_1 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_2 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_3 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_4 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_5 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_6 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_7 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_8 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_9 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_10 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_11 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_13 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_14 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_15 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_16 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_17 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom convertot_18 Video Materials And Films in EFL Classroom

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War title_eng convertot_1 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_2 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_3 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_4 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_5 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_6 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_7 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_8 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_9 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_10 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_11 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_13 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_14 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_15 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_16 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_17 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War convertot_18 International Security Problem after the End of the Cold War

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Language and Speech: Verbal Communication

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Language and Speech: Verbal Communication title_eng convertot_1 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_2 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_3 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_4 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_5 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_6 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_7 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_8 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_9 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_10 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_11 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_13 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_14 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_15 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_16 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_17 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication convertot_18 Language and Speech: Verbal Communication

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն


    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. G.V. Rogova “Methods of Teaching English”, Leningrad 1975
    2. Marianne Celce – Murcia “Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language”, 2nd edition
    3. Jeremy Harmer “The Practice of English Language Teaching”, London and new York, 1991
    4. Rivers “teaching Foreign Language Skills” The University of Chicago, Press Chicago and London
    5. Albert Valdman “Foreign Language Teaching by Television”, 1966
    6. W.A. Bennett “Teaching a Foreign Language”, Cambridge, 1969
    7. Edward M. Stack “The Language Laboratory and Modern Language Teachng”, 1966
    8. M.G. Hesse “Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages”, 1975
    9. Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers “Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching”, 1986
    10. John Taylor. A Different Kind of Teacher: Solving the Crisis of American Schooling. Berkeley Hills Books. 
    11. Everett Dean Martin, The Meaning of a Liberal Education, Norton, 1926.
    12. Paul Monroe, A Text-Book in the History of Education, Macmillan, 1915.
    13. Gilbert Highet, The Art of Teaching, Knopf, 1950.
    14. Palmer, Parker. Teaching Practice: Teaching Methods.
    15. National Board Certified Digital Edge Teachers. Teaching Methods: Demonstrations.
    16. Lieberman, Ann. Teacher Leadership. California: Jossey-Bass, 2004
    17. The Underlining Option - using the personal spelling and usage sheet - by C. Wilson Anderson (LD Online)
    18. Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities To Use Learning Strategies, Neil Sturomski
    19. Teaching Strategies and Techniques, article from LD Online Phonological Awareness, William Ellis.

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    “Methods of foreign language teaching

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    1. Charles Alderson J. Assessing Reading, 2000 2
    2. Harmer J. How to Teach English, London,-1998
    3. Zatsepina O. Current Methods of Language Teaching, MAAL, 1999
    4. Williams  D.  Developing  Criteria for  Textbook Evaluation,   Oxford:  Oxford University Press. 1987
    5. Рогова Г.В. Методика обучения английскому языку, Ленинград, 1975
    6. GrigoryanG. Աեցլեբեերդասագիրքհանրակրթականդպրոցի 8-րդդասարանիհամար, Երևան, 2009






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    Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի