Մենք հանդիսանում ենք կապող օղակ հեղինակների և պատվիրատուների միջև:

Որոնման արդյունք ( - Անգլերեն գտնվել է 1028 նյութ)

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    Prepositions in their semantic syntactic

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2


    CHAPTER 1.
    Approaches to Preposition studies
    Instability and the theory of semantic forms. Starting from the case of prepositions
    Schematics and motifs in the semantics of prepositions
    The theoretical status of prepositions. The case of the “prospective use” of in
    Temporal semantics of prepositions in context
    The semantic system of prepositions
    CHAPTER 2.
    Introduction to the syntactic, semantics and pragmatics prepositions

    2.1. The class of prepositions
    2.2. About the syntax of prepositions
    2.3. Preposition distribution in English
    CHAPTER 3.
    Prepositional phrases as noun modifiers in contemporary Hebrew. syntactical, semantic and pragmatic motivations

    3.1. The obligatory preposition
    3.2. The obligatory preposition determined by the modifier



    title_arm Prepositions in their semantic syntactic title_eng Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_1 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_2 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_3 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_4 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_5 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_6 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_7 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_8 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_9 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_10 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_11 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_13 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_14 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_15 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_16 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_17 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic convertot_18 Prepositions in their semantic syntactic

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2


    Part 1
    Chapter 1
    1.1. The classification of sentences according to type of communication.
    1.2. The functions of language in the process of communication.
    Chapter 2
    2.1. Speech acts
    2.2. Speech types
    2.3. Expressive-exclamatory (expressive as exclamatory)
    2.4. Classification of exclamatory sentences
    Part 2
    Chapter 1- Examples (declarative, interrogative, imperative)
    Chapter 2- Pure exclamatory



    title_arm The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech title_eng The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_1 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_2 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_3 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_4 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_5 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_6 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_7 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_8 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_9 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_10 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_11 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_13 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_14 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_15 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_16 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_17 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech convertot_18 The Pragmatic Function of Exclamatory Utterances in Speech

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2


    Chapter 1. The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition
    1.1. The Second Language Acquisition
    1.2.The Methods of Second Language Acquisition
    1.3.Competencies of a Second Language Teacher

    Chapter 2. The Grammar Translation Metho
    2.1. The Peculiarities of the Grammar Translation Method
    2.1.The Criticism of the Grammar Translation Method and Answer to the Criticism



    title_arm The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method title_eng The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition The Grammar Translation Method convertot_1 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_2 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_3 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_4 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_5 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_6 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_7 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_8 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_9 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_10 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_11 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_13 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_14 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_15 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_16 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_17 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method convertot_18 The Theories and Methods of Second Language Acquisition: The Grammar Translation Method

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Private communication on the results of a questionnaire conducted in Spain, Norbert Kalfon, CL
    2. Thus, for example, patent applications and technical standards have an extremely high percentage of terms (even though the same term may be repeated many times), while general business correspondence will have a lower one.
    3. For a discussion of the subject see [Wal 95]
    4. UNESCO estimates
    5. Thus if the figure is calculated on the basis of those subject fields for which professional qualifications can be obtained, it would rise to over 10,000 according to the catalogue of professions in Europe, or 55,000 according to the training course database at the German Bundesanstalt fьr Arbeit (Federal Employment Service).
    6. c.200 across Europe
    7. e.g. in the announcement of its Multilingual Information Society (MLIS) Programme on 8 November 1995. [MLIS 95]
    8. It is, however, extremely difficult to obtain reliable market data on the commercial translation industry, let alone on the considerable "dark figure" represented by translation within enterprises and amateur work.





    Chapter 1. Why did Wüster develop his particular theory?
    1.1 Why has so much time passed before innovative theoretical contributions were made to the study of terminology?
    Chapter 2. Terminology and lixicology
    Chapter 3.The Armenian scientific terminology



    title_arm Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology title_eng Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_1 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_2 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_3 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_4 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_5 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_6 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_7 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_8 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_9 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_10 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_11 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_13 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_14 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_15 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_16 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_17 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology convertot_18 Interalization /armenialization/ of suentific Terminology

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


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    12.Steel Danielle, Lone Eagle, Random House Publishing Group,N.Y. 2002





    Chapter 1: On Some Issues Referring to Parcellation
    1.1 Parcellation as Viewed in Modern Linguistics
    1.2 Parcellated Structures vs. Other Syntactic Structures
    1.3 The Classification of Parcellated Constructions
    Chapter 2: Parcellation On The Monopredicative Level
    2.1 General Review
    2.2 Parcellation of Subjects and Predicates
    2.3 Parcellation of Objects
    2.4 Parcellation of Appositions and Attributes
    2.5 Parcellation of Adverbial Modifiers
    2.6 Parcellation of Parentheses
    2.7 Parcellation of Homogeneous Parts of the Sentence
    Chapter 3: Parcellation of Polypredicative Utterances
    3.1 General Review
    3.2 The Compound Sentence
    3.3 The Complex Sentence
    3.3.1 The Attributive Clause
    3.3.2 The Adverbial Clause
    3.3.3 The Object Clause…………….…....……….....………51



    title_arm Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English title_eng COMMUNICATIVE-FUNCTIONAL AND STYLISTIC ASPECTS OF PARCELLATION IN ENGLISH convertot_1 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_2 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_3 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_4 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_5 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_6 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_7 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_8 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_9 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_10 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_11 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_13 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_14 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_15 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_16 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_17 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English convertot_18 Communicative-functional and stylistic aspects of parcellation in English

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    Phraseology in TED Talks.

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


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    31.www.corpus.bham.ac.uk – the Determination of Phraseological Units.





    Chapter 1. Phraseological Units and Their Usage in The English Language
    1.1 Phraseology as a Branch of Lexicology
    1.2 Classifications of Phraseological Units
    1.3 Phrasal Verbs
    Chapter 2. Phraseology in TED Talks.
    2.1 The Use of Phrasal Verbs and Phraseological Units in TED Talks.
    2.2 Translation of Phraseological Units in TED Talks.



    title_arm Phraseology in TED Talks. title_eng Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_1 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_2 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_3 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_4 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_5 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_6 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_7 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_8 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_9 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_10 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_11 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_13 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_14 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_15 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_16 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_17 Phraseology in TED Talks. convertot_18 Phraseology in TED Talks.

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


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    5. http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/ British National Corpus




    Chapter 1. The Problem of Morphological Productivity
    Chapter 2. Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia
    2.1 English Gender–marking Suffixes
    2.2 ArmenianGender-marking Suffixes



    title_arm Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia title_eng Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_1 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_2 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_3 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_4 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_5 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_6 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_7 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_8 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_9 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_10 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_11 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_13 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_14 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_15 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_16 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_17 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia convertot_18 Historical Development of Gender System in English and Armenia

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    Adobe photoshoop

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Adobe photoshoop title_eng convertot_1 Adobe photoshoop convertot_2 Adobe photoshoop convertot_3 Adobe photoshoop convertot_4 Adobe photoshoop convertot_5 Adobe photoshoop convertot_6 Adobe photoshoop convertot_7 Adobe photoshoop convertot_8 Adobe photoshoop convertot_9 Adobe photoshoop convertot_10 Adobe photoshoop convertot_11 Adobe photoshoop convertot_13 Adobe photoshoop convertot_14 Adobe photoshoop convertot_15 Adobe photoshoop convertot_16 Adobe photoshoop convertot_17 Adobe photoshoop convertot_18 Adobe photoshoop

    Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն

    Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation title_eng convertot_1 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_2 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_3 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_4 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_5 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_6 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_7 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_8 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_9 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_10 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_11 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_13 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_14 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_15 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_16 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_17 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation convertot_18 Actual Problems of Scientific technical translation

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The classification of Subordinate Phrases

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    CHAPTER 1.

    1. The phrase as a poly-nominative lingual unit, Phrase and Classification of Phrase
    2. The classification of Subordinate Phrases

    CHAPTER 2.

    1. Morphologic analysis of Noun Phrases
    2. Syntactic analysis of Noun Phrases



    title_arm The classification of Subordinate Phrases title_eng convertot_1 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_2 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_3 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_4 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_5 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_6 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_7 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_8 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_9 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_10 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_11 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_13 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_14 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_15 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_16 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_17 The classification of Subordinate Phrases convertot_18 The classification of Subordinate Phrases

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches

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    4. M. L. Houser, Lincoln’s Education and Other Essays, p. 31.
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    6. Douglas L. Wilson, Lincoln’s Sword: The Presidency and the Power of Words, p. 143.
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    SDs and EM in Political Discourse


    1. Style and language of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches.          Public Opinion
    2. Linguo - Stylistic Analysis of Abraham Lincoln’s Speeches



    title_arm Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches title_eng convertot_1 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_2 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_3 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_4 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_5 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_6 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_7 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_8 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_9 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_10 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_11 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_13 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_14 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_15 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_16 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_17 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches convertot_18 Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Article in English and in Armenia

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    CHAPTER 1. Article. General notion

    CHAPTER 2. Main functions of the definite article



    title_arm Article in English and in Armenia title_eng convertot_1 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_2 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_3 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_4 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_5 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_6 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_7 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_8 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_9 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_10 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_11 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_13 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_14 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_15 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_16 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_17 Article in English and in Armenia convertot_18 Article in English and in Armenia

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Classification of phraseological idioms

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2


    CHAPTER 1.  Classification of phraseological idioms

    CHAPTER 2. English and Armenian metaphorical idioms with body parts



    title_arm Classification of phraseological idioms title_eng convertot_1 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_2 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_3 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_4 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_5 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_6 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_7 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_8 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_9 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_10 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_11 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_13 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_14 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_15 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_16 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_17 Classification of phraseological idioms convertot_18 Classification of phraseological idioms

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language

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    6. Lakoff, G., Johnson, M. (1980) Metaphors We Live by. Chicago and London: Chicago University Press. Lakoff, G. and Johnson, M.,
    7. Minsky, M.. (1975) A framework for representing knowledge. In P.M. Winston (ed.) The Psychology of Computer Vision. New York: McGraw-Hill, 211-277.
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    9. Wittgenstein, L. (1953) Philosophical Investigations. New York: MacMillan.


    On-line resources






    Chapter 1: Cognitive Linguistics and Concept

    Chapter 2: Concept of Changes



    title_arm Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language title_eng convertot_1 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_2 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_3 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_4 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_5 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_6 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_7 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_8 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_9 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_10 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_11 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_13 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_14 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_15 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_16 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_17 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language convertot_18 Conceptualization of Changes in the English Language

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2)

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    Chapter 1: Political Discourse. Discourse and Communication

    1.1. Basic Terms and Concepts. Histоrical Backgrоund of Discourse

    1.2. Political Discourse

    1.3. Political Myth

    1.4. Language and Politics

    Chapter 2. The Representation of Political and Economic Values in American and Russian Political Discourse

    2.1 Political Values in American and Russian Political Discourse

    2.2.Economic Values in American and Russian Political Discourse



    title_arm Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) title_eng convertot_1 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_2 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_3 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_4 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_5 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_6 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_7 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_8 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_9 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_10 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_11 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_13 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_14 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_15 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_16 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_17 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2) convertot_18 Discourse and communication of political and economic values in American and Russian political discourse (2)


    Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի